• Carrying on the tradition
    of the great 17th and 18th century workshops
  • Hemsch School Signed
    « Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset »
  • Ruckers School Signed
    « Atelier Marc Ducornet »
  • Little Harpischord Signed
    « AMD »
  • Silbermann Spinet Signed
    « Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset »
  • Fortepiano Signed
    « Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset »

Marc Ducornet,

Building Harpsichords in Paris


aaaaaaaaTo be an instrument maker is not only to buy the diagram of a period harpsichord, cut out the pieces then assemble them, add a keyboard, strings and jacks, but produce, with plucked strings, a miracle:  the instrument speaks…

It’s being steeped in the multiple timbres and characteristics of past schools. It’s knowing how to best compose many different elements: to modify the designs, the wood, the mechanical parts, and numerous details, in order to obtain the desired result. Therefore, it’s being capable of creating for each client the best instrument for the music which impassions us, so varied according to time and place: an instrument which sings.

To describe our activity in too much detail would be to limit it. Each instrument is a unique creation. We are continually researching past and present materials, and designing new models: some based on historic instruments, some according to particular requests from musicians, some following our own inspirations. We are constantly engaged in projects, restorations and repairs, and we also supply instruments for major music festivals, concerts and recordings.

Our new website is not exhaustive. If you would like additional information, particularly technical details, please do not hesitate to contact us. As an instrument maker who loves the touch of wood and other natural materials, who loves to hear sounds and voices, whose daily life is composed of nuances, sensitivity – and it must be confessed – subjectivity, I find that Internet has its limits! We therefore cordially invite you to come meet us and try out our instruments, at our workshop and also at international exhibitions and festivals.

We look forward to hearing from you, and in the meantime, we hope that our new website will bring you much pleasure.

Marc Ducornet

January 2025